B Plus Tree

B + Tree

B+ Tree is an extension of B Tree which allows efficient insertion, deletion and search operations.

In B Tree, Keys and records both can be stored in the internal as well as leaf nodes. Whereas, in B+ tree, records (data) can only be stored on the leaf nodes while internal nodes can only store the key values.

The leaf nodes of a B+ tree are linked together in the form of a singly linked lists to make the search queries more efficient.

B+ Tree are used to store the large amount of data which can not be stored in the main memory. Due to the fact that, size of main memory is always limited, the internal nodes (keys to access records) of the B+ tree are stored in the main memory whereas, leaf nodes are stored in the secondary memory.

Properties of a B+ Tree
  1. All leaves are at the same level.
  2. The root has at least two children.
  3. Each node except root can have a maximum of m children and at least m/2 children.
  4. Each node can contain a maximum of m - 1 keys and a minimum of ⌈m/2⌉ - 1 keys.


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