Format WordArt

Once WordArt has been inserted, we can change its appearance to another style or customize its appearance and effects.

  1. Select the WordArt object by clicking its border or by selecting all the text inside the object.
  2. Use the options in the WordArt Styles group, on the Format tab in the Drawing Tools ribbon group, to change the formatting options for the selected WordArt.

    • To select another style, click the Quick Styles button to display the WordArt Styles gallery again.

    • To change the fill, click the Text Fill list arrow and select a color or gradient.

    • To change the outline, click the Text Outline list arrow. Select a new color, adjust the weight of the outline, or change the outline to a dashed line.

    • To change the text effect, click the Text Effects button. You can add a shadow, reflection, glow, edge bevel, 3D rotation, or transform effect.


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