Combining various types of inheritance like multiple, simple, and hierarchical inheritance is known as hybrid inheritance.
In simple inheritance, one class is derived from a single class which is its base. In multiple inheritances, a class is derived from two classes, where one of the parents is also a derived class. In hierarchical inheritance, more than one derived class is created from a single base class.
In hybrid inheritance, there is a combination of one or more inheritance types. For instance, the combination of single and hierarchical inheritance. Therefore, hybrid inheritance is also known as multipath inheritance.
Single inheritance - Class B inherits class A. Thus an example of single inheritance.
Multiple inheritance - Class D is inherited from multiple classes( B and C shown above D). Thus an example of multiple inheritance.
Class A
Class B: public A
Class C: public B
Class D: public B
Base Class: Pizza
(stores pizza details)
Derived Class: Order (stores order details, inherits from Pizza)
Derived Classes:
- Customer
(inherits from Order, manages customer details)
- Delivery
(inherits from both Order and Customer, handles delivery details)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Base Class: Pizza
class Pizza {
string pizzaName;
double price;
string size;
// Constructor
Pizza(string name, double p, string s) {
pizzaName = name;
price = p;
size = s;
// Display Pizza Details
void displayPizza() {
cout << "\nPizza Name: " << pizzaName << endl;
cout << "Size: " << size << endl;
cout << "Price: Rs." << price << endl;
// Intermediate Class: Order (Inheriting from Pizza)
class Order : public Pizza {
int quantity;
double totalPrice;
// Constructor
Order(string name, double p, string s, int q) : Pizza(name, p, s) {
quantity = q;
totalPrice = price * quantity;
// Display Order Details
void displayOrder() {
cout << "Quantity: " << quantity << endl;
cout << "Total Price: Rs." << totalPrice << endl;
// Derived Class: Customer (Inheriting from Order)
class Customer : public Order {
string customerName;
string phoneNumber;
// Constructor
Customer(string cname, string phone, string name, double p, string s, int q)
: Order(name, p, s, q) {
customerName = cname;
phoneNumber = phone;
// Display Customer Details
void displayCustomer() {
cout << "\nCustomer Name: " << customerName << endl;
cout << "Phone Number: " << phoneNumber << endl;
// Derived Class: Delivery (Hybrid Inheritance)
class Delivery : public Customer {
string deliveryAddress;
string deliveryStatus;
// Constructor
Delivery(string cname, string phone, string name, double p, string s, int q, string address)
: Customer(cname, phone, name, p, s, q) {
deliveryAddress = address;
deliveryStatus = "Pending";
// Mark as Delivered
void markDelivered() {
deliveryStatus = "Delivered";
// Display Delivery Details
void displayDelivery() {
cout << "Delivery Address: " << deliveryAddress << endl;
cout << "Delivery Status: " << deliveryStatus << endl;
// Main Function
int main() {
string cname, phone, pizzaName, size, address;
int quantity;
double price;
cout << "Enter Customer Name: ";
getline(cin, cname);
cout << "Enter Phone Number: ";
cin >> phone;
cin.ignore(); // Ignore newline character
cout << "Enter Pizza Name: ";
getline(cin, pizzaName);
cout << "Enter Pizza Size (Small/Medium/Large): ";
cin >> size;
cout << "Enter Price of Pizza: ";
cin >> price;
cout << "Enter Quantity: ";
cin >> quantity;
cin.ignore(); // Ignore newline character
cout << "Enter Delivery Address: ";
getline(cin, address);
// Create a Delivery Order
Delivery order(cname, phone, pizzaName, price, size, quantity, address);
// Display Order Details
// Mark Order as Delivered
char choice;
cout << "\nDo you want to mark this order as delivered? (y/n): ";
cin >> choice;
if (choice == 'y' || choice == 'Y') {
cout << "\nUpdated Order Details:\n";
return 0;
Enter Customer Name: Prasanjeet
Enter Phone Number: 9471459250
Enter Pizza Name: Classic Margherita pizza
Enter Pizza Size (Small/Medium/Large): Medium
Enter Price of Pizza: 450
Enter Quantity: 4
Enter Delivery Address: VVIT Purnea
Customer Name: Prasanjeet
Phone Number: 9471459250
Pizza Name: Classic Margherita pizza
Size: Medium
Price: Rs.450
Quantity: 4
Total Price: Rs.1800
Delivery Address: VVIT Purnea
Delivery Status: Pending
Do you want to mark this order as delivered? (y/n): y
Updated Order Details:
Customer Name: Prasanjeet
Phone Number: 9471459250
Pizza Name: Classic Margherita pizza
Size: Medium
Price: Rs.450
Quantity: 4
Total Price: Rs.1800
Delivery Address: VVIT Purnea
Delivery Status: Delivered
Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 95.515 s
Press any key to continue.
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