
A hyperlink in a Microsoft Word document enables readers to jump from the link to a different place in the document, to a different file or website, or to a new email message. In Word documents, hyperlink text is a different color than other text and is underlined. When we hover over a hyperlink, a preview shows where the link goes. When we select the link, we're directed to the other content.  

Insert and Remove a Hyperlink in Word 

 To add and delete hyperlinks in a Word document:

  • Highlight the text we want to use as a link

  • Go to Insert > Links > Link (or right click the text and select Link)    [Shortcut to insert hyperlink is CTRL + K]

  • Type the URL for the link destination into the Address field

  • Click OK to create your hyperlink.







The highlighted text will then become a hyperlink. 

To test the link, hold CTRL and left click (or right click and select Open Hyperlink). This will open the destination in your default web browser.



To remove a hyperlink, right-click the link text, then choose Remove Hyperlink.  

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