Infix to Postfix Conversion

 Algorithm for conversion of Infix to Postfix Notation
Step 1: Start 
Step 2: Start reading the infix expression from left to right. 
Step 3: Repeat Step 4 to 7 for each element until the Stack is empty. 
Step 4: If we scan a operand we output it, print it. 
Step 5: Else, 
             5.1: If the scanned operator is greater in precedence than the operator in the stack or if the stack is empty or the stack contains a "(", push it.
             5.2: Else,
                     Pop all the operators having greater or equal precedence than that of the scanned operator. After doing that Push the scanned operator to the stack. In case there is a parenthesis while popping then stop and push the scanned operator in the stack. 
 Step 6: If a '(' is encountered, push it onto Stack. 
 Step 7: If a ')' is encountered, repeatedly pop from Stack and output it until a '(' is encountered 
Step 8: The output is printed in postfix notation 
Step 9: Stop.

Consider the following Infix Expression to be converted into Postfix Expression...

D = A + B * C

  • Step 1 - The Operators in the given Infix Expression : = , + , *
  • Step 2 - The Order of Operators according to their preference : * , + , =
  • Step 3 - Now, convert the first operator * ----- D = A + B C *
  • Step 4 - Convert the next operator + ----- D = A BC* +
  • Step 5 - Convert the next operator = ----- D ABC*+ =

Finally, given Infix Expression is converted into Postfix Expression as follows...

D A B C * + =


Consider the following Infix Expression...

( A + B ) * ( C - D )

The given infix expression can be converted into postfix expression using Stack data Structure as follows...



The final Postfix Expression is as follows...

A B + C D - *

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