Insert Page Break

 A page break is a special marker that will end the current page and start a new one.

The steps to insert page break are given below;

  • Place the cursor where we want to insert the break

  • Select the Page Layout tab

  • In Page Setup group click the 'Breaks' command

  • A list of Page Breaks appears

  • With a left click select the desired page break from the list


Shortcut =>  We can also insert a page break by pressing Ctrl + Enter.



Remove a Page Break

If we decide later that we don't want the page break where we inserted it, we can remove it.

Page breaks are inserted as special hidden formatting marks, so to easily find and remove them, first show formatting marks.


  • Click the Home tab.
  • Click the Show/Hide ¶ button.

    This displays special punctuation characters in your document, such as spaces, paragraph markers, and most importantly for this lesson, page and section breaks.

  • Double-click the page break to select it.
  • Press Delete




The page break is deleted.




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