Python Introduction

Python is the world's most popular and fastest-growing computer programming language. It is a multi-purpose and high-level programming language. Python was invented by Guido Van Rossum in the year 1989, but it was introduced into the market on 20th February 1991.

The Python programming language has been used by many people like Software Engineers, Data Analysts, Network Engineers, Mathematicians, Accountants, Scientists, and many more. Using Python, one can solve complex problems in less time with fewer lines of code.



Python History

Python was invented by Guido van Rossum in 1991 at CWI in Netherland. The idea of Python programming language has taken from the ABC programming language or we can say that ABC is a predecessor of Python language.

There is also a fact behind the choosing name Python. Guido van Rossum was a fan of the popular BBC comedy show of that time, "Monty Python's Flying Circus". So he decided to pick the name Python for his newly created programming language.

Python has the vast community across the world and releases its version within the short period.


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