In array implementation, the stack is formed by using the array. All the operations regarding the stack are performed using arrays.
Adding an element into the top of the stack is referred to as push operation. Push operation involves following two steps.
- Increment the variable Top so that it can now refere to the next memory location.
- Add element at the position of incremented top. This is referred to as adding new element at the top of the stack.
Stack is overflown when we try to insert an element into a completely filled stack therefore, our main function must always avoid stack overflow condition.
In a stack, push() is a function used to insert an element into the stack. In a stack, the new element is always inserted at top position. Push function takes one integer value as parameter and inserts that value into the stack. We can use the following steps to push an element on to the stack...
- Step 1 - Check whether stack is FULL. (top == SIZE-1)
- Step 2 - If it is FULL, then display "Stack is FULL!!! Insertion is not possible!!!" and terminate the function.
- Step 3 - If it is NOT FULL, then increment top value by one (top++) and set stack[top] to value (stack[top] = value).
In a stack, pop() is a function used to delete an element from the stack. In a stack, the element is always deleted from top position. Pop function does not take any value as parameter. We can use the following steps to pop an element from the stack...
- Step 1 - Check whether stack is EMPTY. (top == -1)
- Step 2 - If it is EMPTY, then display "Stack is EMPTY!!! Deletion is not possible!!!" and terminate the function.
- Step 3 - If it is NOT EMPTY, then delete stack[top] and decrement top value by one (top--).
We can use the following steps to display the elements of a stack...
- Step 1 - Check whether stack is EMPTY. (top == -1)
- Step 2 - If it is EMPTY, then display "Stack is EMPTY!!!" and terminate the function.
- Step 3 - If it is NOT EMPTY, then define a variable 'i' and initialize with top. Display stack[i] value and decrement i value by one (i--).
- Step 3 - Repeat above step until i value becomes '0'.
#define SIZE 10
void push(int);
void pop();
void display();
int stack[SIZE], top = -1;
void main()
int value, choice=0;
printf("\n\n***** MENU *****\n");
printf("1. Push\n2. Pop\n3. Display\n4. Exit");
printf("\nEnter your choice: ");
case 1: printf("Enter the value to be insert: ");
case 2: pop();
case 3: display();
case 4: exit(0);
default: printf("\nWrong selection!!! Try again!!!");
void push(int value){
if(top == SIZE-1)
printf("\nStack is Full!!! Insertion is not possible!!!");
stack[top] = value;
printf("\nInsertion success!!!");
void pop(){
if(top == -1)
printf("\nStack is Empty!!! Deletion is not possible!!!");
printf("\nDeleted : %d", stack[top]);
void display(){
if(top == -1)
printf("\nStack is Empty!!!");
int i;
printf("\nStack elements are:\n");
for(i=top; i>=0; i--)
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